Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Idea - the Concept of Mana

Mind channels the flow of mana in accordance to the will of man.

To create mana is to create a thought, to think of something, of an idea.

By casting an idea into spell, the caster must use magic to convert the idea into mana, then tells the mana to do according to how the spell is constructed.

Such chain of thought are known as spell, a sequence of magic.

- sequence of magic instructions
- that achieve a single purpose or function
- high tier spells use more complex magic instructions
- high tier spells are more difficult to create and/or perform

- basic form of instruction
- simple statement, directly commands the mana
- serves as base for creating a spell
- complex magic are usually abstract instructions

Magic instruction, is of format that forms knowledge.

Magic can be categorized into many division
- Knowledge
- Pure
- Meditation

Magic Knowledge is a format that Caster used to communicate and educate amongst themselves on the art of spell casting. In written form, rune is the most common, although different people may adopt different style of writing. Other than rune, there are enchantment, script, conjuring, summoning, and songs.

empowerment = enchant
conjuring = script
transmuting = alchemy
projection = arcane
manipulation = song

Pure Magic is the practice of casting idea into mana. Usual caster uses the thought of magic as base to form mana, then cast mana into magic. Pure caster separates the magic instructions and creates an random idea to serves as base mana. Although it is more powerful, yet, it is less common due to the specialized skill sets that practitioner needs before being able to make it useful.

Meditation Magic is to channel the mind into the Mana World, creating a bond between the individual and Mana Spirits. To certain extend, caster will be able to command the Mana Spirit, summon Mana Beast, or even uses Mana World itself as energy source.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Marksmanship of Arrower

Triangle Star

Square Star

With the creation of Spirits of Arrow, those who follow the path of the spirit became Arrowers.

Arrower Star is one of the method exclusive for Arrowers in conjuring magical rune for casting Arcane Arrow. Although magical runes are usually conjured in circular form, Arrowers have a distinguish star shape form as being taught by Spirits of Arrow.

Types of Arrower Star:

  • Zero Star
    • Monogon - Directly conjure Arcane Arrow, far less efficient than using a Arrower Star, as Arcane Arrow is the most basic spell that all rookies have to learn, yet only those who achieved Arrow Master tend to prefer using this as basic attacks.
    • Digon - The most basic way of conjure Arcane Arrow (visual: half Square Star), common among rookies. From using an actual longbow, then a longbow without bowstring, then conjure a magical bow without a longbow.
  • Triangle Star - mid range style for elite, balanced in offend, defend and movement.
  • Square Star - mid to long range style for elite, focus in accuracy, critical hit, sustain and stealth.
  • Pentagon Star - as most other stars are purely Arcane Arrow based, this style allows Arrowers to cast other elemental spell with arrows. (e.g. Cold, Fire, Water, Lightning, Earth, Ice, Steam, etc)
  • Hexagon Star - for senior elite and Arrow Master, (double Triangle Star), better version of Triangle Star with long range, accuracy and sustain advantages. Focus on balance.
  • Heptagon Star - for senior elite and Arrow Master, amplified version of Triangle Star. Focus on offend and crowd control. 
  • Octagon Star - for senior elite and Arrow Master, (double Square Star), has the longest range, focused in accuracy, stability, offend. One of most dangerous style, commonly used by Snipe Master.
  • Nonagon Star - Arrow Master only, deadliest weapon of war, usually requires at least 3 Arrow Masters to cast, as it can be used to cast powerful siege spell to demolish Stronghold, or raze a mountain.
  • Decagon Star - Arrow Master only, taking Pentagon Star further into complex arrays of elemental spells, often encapsulates spells into one another, making it impossible for non-master level Arrowers to comprehend. (e.g. Bomb, Piercing, Split, Cluster, Rain)

- Rookie (beginners, learning to become an Arrower)
- Elite (true Arrower, able to participate in real combat, yet not qualified to teach)
- Arrow Master (veteran Arrower, able to teach Rookie or Elite)

- Arcane Arrow is the base spell for any Arrower Star, including Monogon and Digon
- Tri Star is most basic star, Digon is not considered as Arrower Star
- Tri Star is inferior to Hexa and Hepta Star
- Square Star has the best stealth
- All Star are Arcane Arrow based excepts Penta Star and Deca Star
- Elite commonly uses Hexa Star in combat and only uses Hepta Star as finishing blow
- Snipe Master title is given to those who uses Octa Star
- Nona Star is considered as forbidden art, only being used once or twice in history
- Wizard Master title is given to master who play Decagon Star matches against another master as a sport.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Differences of Man and Manalings

Man's life is consists of 3 parts: body, mind, soul
Man's life is taken away by death
Death breaks the connection of body and soul
Without soul, the mind will not be able to channel mana and contain mana in the body
If a body contains mana without the control of soul, it will become an undead.
If a soul with a mind strong enough to control the mana flow, it will become one of the mana spirit when the body is dead.

Manalings' life has 3 parts: Mana Beast, Mana Spirit, Mana Core

Different from man, Manalings can still be alive when these parts are separated.
Mana Core is equivalent to mind.
Mana Spirit is equivalent to spirit.
Mana Beast is equivalent to body.

First, the Mana Spirit from the Mana World will describe its unique identity and writes into runes, the runes is the base of Mana Core. 

Using the rune, the Mana Core will conjure itself forming its basic shape, then the Mana Core will record the description to form the Mana Beast.

Using available materials, the Mana Core will conjure the body together while structuring the script, which the script can also be used to summon the Mana Beast into the material world.

The script will record itself into the Mana Core once the Mana Beast is born.

When Mana Core lost its connection to Mana Spirit (caused by Void or Corruption), the Mana Beast will turn wild or insane. A wild Mana Beast will need to consume additional energy source, such as food, blood, nutrient, or mana flow of others. However, the option of energy source will be based on the material of the body (Mana Beast) itself.

When Mana Beast lost its Mana Core, the body will die and vanish.

The Mana Spirit channels mana (from the Mana World) into the Mana Core, the Mana Core then identifies the mana source and instructions from the Mana Spirit.

Void long enough can cause permanent break as the reserved mana no longer sufficient to sustain the energy link between the Mana World and the material world.

Corruption is the interruption of the instructions from the Mana Spirit, but not the mana source.

A Mana Beast that turned wild can also be a type of corruption as the instruction from the Mana Spirit no longer valid, yet the body has the basic instinct to sustain itself and live.

Excerpt of World Maker

"If I were to create a new world, would you stop me?"

"Why do you wish to create a new world?"

"I do not know, perhaps a mere creation satisfy me no more."

"Of all Makers, you are the first, the first one who loved worlds surpass your own world."

"Other worlds, do they exists?"

"Indeed they are, and I've placed a Maker in each world."

"If I created a new world, what would become of me?"

"You will become the world itself. Your heartbeat will bring life, life that creates, life that loves."

"Will you place a Maker in my world as well?"

"Yes, El'thia, of course I will."

Exodus of Maker

Aftermath of the Great War, Elthians hated the Maker and condemned the Maker for the sins of wars.

After years of witch-hunt, heroes of El'thia finally captured the Maker, the creator magic.

Forgotten the past deeds of the Maker, the Elthians decided to banish the Maker as they sent the Maker to Terra, the Material World.

Unlike El'thia, mana is non-existent and magic is forbidden in Terra.

Without mana, the Maker is nothing but a commoner in an alien world.

However, Terra knows nothing about El'thia nor the Maker, but they do belief in the Almighty God, the creator of Terra, the same creator of El'thia.

Living in Terra, the Maker finds his knowledge of worlds to be of little use.

But the bond between the Maker and the Almighty God created amazing things even in Terra.

The Almighty God then gave the Maker the choice, to live as immortal in Terra, or, to reincarnate in different life and then go back to El'thia as the new Maker.

The Maker, who still love El'thia, chosen reincarnation.


Silhouette & Mirage
Master of illusion, hypnosis & mind

Expert of aerial, flight & sky

Expert of using massive amount of tiny critters (bats, bees, etc)

Breath of Fire
An equipment that allows the user to manipulate Mana Flame
Upon mastery, the can control Mana Flame in different forms (burst, gas, liquid) and different power (e.g. black sun, fire eater)

Windale + Spawns

Silhouette & Mirage = Shapeshifter

Maker = Mage of World Magic (e.g. Mage Tower)

Xinaga was the first prototype doll before the mother doll, Aldora Seraphiels

The old maker is the creator of Xinaga

Xinaga is created to serve as the doll for the incarnation of the old maker

Upon reincarnation, the new maker chosen the name Aganix Wizardsnare

Mana Sword, one of his unique creation, requires a Mana Beast, a Mana Spirit and a Mana Crystal

NOTE: Mana Spirit = super-ego, Mana Beast = id, Mana Crystal = the main material forged into Mana Sword, icon of a Mana Knight = ego (self)

The best option he have to possess a relic weapon

Xoul Celement, his apprentice met and recognise Aganix

Xoul told Aganix about what happened after the banishment of the Maker

Xoul became the Forge, the new maker

Aganix told Xoul that the Crown of Halves was meant for Xoul, to become the next maker

However, the great king of Celestia took it for himself, becoming the King of Halves and abandoned his kingdom.

The Tenth Relic, is, the Mana Doll, in which requires the Mana Spirit of the old maker to complete.

However, the Great War begun, the old maker did not have enough time, and Xinaga is activated by Hellflame, a rogue mana spirit.

The Nine Relics

In the Golden Age, the King of Celestia ruled the world, bringing peace and prosperity.

El'thia, the spirits of the world, was pleased with deeds of the great king.

El'thia gave her blessings and mana overflows throughout all lands ruled by the great king.

El'thia then chose the most intelligent artisan, to be the Maker, to craft powerful artifacts for the great king.

With enlightenments and guidance of El'thia, the Maker learned the wisdom of truth and knowledge of worlds.

The Maker then created a set of artifacts and presented to the great king.

Each artifact utilizes the overflowing mana to perform supernatural ability, which the Maker calls them as Magic.

Through out the Golden Age, 9 artifacts are made for the King of Celestia.

They are recorded in the world history of El'thia, called The Nine Relics:
Gear of Fate
Spirits of Arrow
Sword of Mana
Tower of Mage
Breath of Fire
Chain of Fiends
Blood of Longevity
Orb of Sefer
Crown of Halves

The Maker then become the prophet, messenger, historian, scholar, sage and the first magician of El'thia.

Tower of Mage, the world library of magic, became the home of the Maker.

The Spirits of Arrow, reformed art of archery into Arrowmancery.

The Breath of Fire, mastered by a clan of Shapeshifters, they then called themselves Drakonis.

The Blood of Longevity, stolen by a freeman, being cursed, he become the first Bloodin kind.

The Chain of Fiends, misused by a foul wizard and a great demon, they created the new breed of demon known as Nefas.

The Orb of Sefer, studied by scholars who succeed in popularizing magic, they are known as Sofer. With such legacy, all Elthians have great respect toward Sofers and Scribes, their descendant.

The Crown of Halves, Omnisouler

The Golden Age ends at the time of King Celestiels.

The Nefas, demon kin, desires to conquer heaven, war against Celestia.

The Great War of Celestia.

Based on the Mana Sword, the Seven Blades are forged:

When Celestia fallen, the demon captured the Maker.

To conquer the world, the Nefas controlled the mind of Maker to create Demon Sword, a weapon that can kill El'thia.

The Nefas replicated the Seven Blades to forge Demon Sword.

27 Demon Swords are made...