Friday, January 23, 2015

The Nine Relics

In the Golden Age, the King of Celestia ruled the world, bringing peace and prosperity.

El'thia, the spirits of the world, was pleased with deeds of the great king.

El'thia gave her blessings and mana overflows throughout all lands ruled by the great king.

El'thia then chose the most intelligent artisan, to be the Maker, to craft powerful artifacts for the great king.

With enlightenments and guidance of El'thia, the Maker learned the wisdom of truth and knowledge of worlds.

The Maker then created a set of artifacts and presented to the great king.

Each artifact utilizes the overflowing mana to perform supernatural ability, which the Maker calls them as Magic.

Through out the Golden Age, 9 artifacts are made for the King of Celestia.

They are recorded in the world history of El'thia, called The Nine Relics:
Gear of Fate
Spirits of Arrow
Sword of Mana
Tower of Mage
Breath of Fire
Chain of Fiends
Blood of Longevity
Orb of Sefer
Crown of Halves

The Maker then become the prophet, messenger, historian, scholar, sage and the first magician of El'thia.

Tower of Mage, the world library of magic, became the home of the Maker.

The Spirits of Arrow, reformed art of archery into Arrowmancery.

The Breath of Fire, mastered by a clan of Shapeshifters, they then called themselves Drakonis.

The Blood of Longevity, stolen by a freeman, being cursed, he become the first Bloodin kind.

The Chain of Fiends, misused by a foul wizard and a great demon, they created the new breed of demon known as Nefas.

The Orb of Sefer, studied by scholars who succeed in popularizing magic, they are known as Sofer. With such legacy, all Elthians have great respect toward Sofers and Scribes, their descendant.

The Crown of Halves, Omnisouler

The Golden Age ends at the time of King Celestiels.

The Nefas, demon kin, desires to conquer heaven, war against Celestia.

The Great War of Celestia.

Based on the Mana Sword, the Seven Blades are forged:

When Celestia fallen, the demon captured the Maker.

To conquer the world, the Nefas controlled the mind of Maker to create Demon Sword, a weapon that can kill El'thia.

The Nefas replicated the Seven Blades to forge Demon Sword.

27 Demon Swords are made...

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