Friday, January 23, 2015

Excerpt of 27 Demon Sword

I wrote story of many
I write plentiful of them
I whine and spite all of them

The urge to write, too few that lasts.
Story of no soul, too wrong to stay.
If you don't change now, you will forever be the same.

So, what if I change?
What will happen then?
Do I hope to be any different?
What kind of future will stay the same?

Chaos, is the root of all change.
Chaos, know not of time.
Chaos, know not of bound.

Chaos defies truth, is its own truth.
Chaos defies itself.

Chaos creates the desire within us.
All stories that I wrote,
they are my desire, they are but chaos.
So I write this, the Story of Chaos.

"The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was[a] on the face of the deep." (Genesis 1:2)

Chaos, without form, and void.

To create out of nothingness, is the job of maker.
God create world from Chaos, so does the Maker.

Are you a maker?

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