Friday, January 11, 2013


In the world of El'thia, mana flows across all places, that is, within the reach of mana spirits.

The mana spirits are the soul of El'thia, their presence is in everything and everywhere. Life is created through the mana spirits, the first children of El'thia was born, they are known as Elthian.

Each Elthian inherits the power of mana, some used mana as fuel, some enhance their crafts with mana and some conjured mana into spells. The Elthians lived in prosperous civilization and they formed their own clan.

Throughout time, the Elthians took the mana spirits for granted. Then, desire grew in each of them and their greed created wars among them.

In the first Great War, Spellcasters created many powerful spells along with many powerful weapons that brought destruction upon the land of El'thia.

In rage, El'thia awakens her last children, the Dragons, to punish the Elthians. Soon, the powerful Dragons reign from land to sky, the Elthians have little power against the Dragons, and so all Elthians are united and fought bravely in the name of their clan.

Dragon Slayers became first heroes in the history of Elthians.

Dragons are the only kin that can eat mana spirits to grow stronger, whichever place they inhabits will eventually turn into a wasteland. However, there are some Dragons who gain conscious from the Great Will and they stopped to devour the mana spirits, they became weaker but this earned them wisdom, they are known as the Drakonis.

To end the Dragon War, the Drakonis offered truce with the Elthians, they first seek the followers of Great Will, the Prophets, who are highly respected by all Elthians.

To honor the peace between Drakonis and Elthians, they built a temple in the city of Fregmor and named it Sacred Sanctuary, the temple then became the epicenter of Prophets.

Soon, followers of Great Will grew in large number. The second golden age began.

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